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All the Angels

Writer's picture: Dee DeeDee Dee

Each are 38 or 3 for 90

Abasdarhon - angel of the fifth hour of the night.

Abraxos - ancient name attributed to an angel.

Adnachiel - angel who rules November.

Adonael - an archangel .

Adonai - one of seven angels of the presence, or elohim; creator.

Aeshma - Persian archangel.

Af - angel of light.

Agla - angel who saved Lot and his family.

Akriel - angel who aids those with infertility.

Amitiel - angel of truth.

Amriel - angel of the month of May.

Anael - angel influencing love, passion and sexuality.

Anapiel - angel whose name means "branch of God."

Anahel - angel who rules the third heaven.

Anpiel - angel who protects birds.

Ansiel - name of an angel known as "the constrainer."

Arael - variation of Uriel; prince over the people.

Araqiel - angel with dominion over the earth.

Araton - one of seven ruling angels over the provinces of heaven.

Ariel - "lion of God;" angel of protection.

Armisael - angel of the womb.

Asariel - "whom God has bound;" rules the moon.

Asroilu - guardian angel of the seventh heaven.

Astanphaeus - one of the seven angels of the presence; third gate guardian.

Asteraoth - name of an angel who thwarts power.

Atrugiel - great prince of the seventh heaven.

Ayil - angel of the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Azbogah - name of the high ranking angel of judgment.

Azrael - archangel of death.

Azriel - name for the angel of destruction.

Balthioul - angel with the power to thwart distress.

Baradiel - angel of hail.

Barakiel - angel of lightning.

Barrattiel - angel of support.

Barbiel - angel of October.

Bariel - ruling angel of the eleventh hour of the day.

Barman - angel of intelligence.

Barquiel - ruling angel of the seventh hour of the day.

Baruchiel - angel with power over strife.

Bath Kol - female angel of divine prophecy.

Bazazath - archangel of the second heaven.

Bethor - one of seven ruling angels of the province of heaven.

Briathos - name of an angel who thwarts demons.

Cahethal - seraphim angel over agriculture.

Camael - angel name that means "he who sees God;" chief angel of powers.

Cassiel - angel of Saturn.

Cerviel - angel ruler of the principalities.

Chamuel - archangel whose name means "he who seeks God."

Chayyliel - angel whose name means "army;" a powerful angel.

Cochabiel - angel prince who stands before God.

Dabriel - angel of the first heaven who rules over Monday.

Dagiel - angel who has dominion over fish.

Dalquiel - angel prince of the third heaven.

Damabiath - angel of naval construction.

Dardariel - ruling angel of the eleventh hour.

Diniel - angel who protects infants.

Domiel - angel who guards the sixth hall of the seventh heaven.

Dubbiel - guardian angel of Persia; name means "bear-God."

Duma - angel prince of dreams.

Dumah - angel of silence.

Eae - angel who thwarts demons.

Eiael - angel with dominion over the occult sciences.

Elyon - ministering angel who brought the plague of hail upon Egypt.

Emmanuel - angel whose name means "God with us."

Erathaol - one of seven great archon angels.

Eremiel - great angel who presides over the Abyss and Hades.

Gabriel - archangel whose name means "man or hero of God."

Gadriel - angel who rules the fifth heaven.

Galgaliel - prince angel of the sun, like Raphael.

Galizur - great angel who rules the second heaven.

Gamaliel - angel who takes the elect unto heaven.

Gazardiel - angel who supervises the east.

Geburatiel - angel prince who guards the seventh heaven.

Guriel - angel of the zodiac sign of Leo.

Gzrel - angel who revokes any evil decree against another in heaven.

Hadraniel - angel who stands at the second gate in heaven; "majesty of God."

Hadriel - guardian angel of the gates of the east wind.

Hagith - one of the seven ruling angels of the provinces of heaven.

Halaliel - archangel known as "the lord of karma."

Hamaliel - angel who rules the order of virtues.

Hamon - a great, honored, beautiful prince angel in heaven.

Haniel - an archangel who guards the tree of life.

Harahel - angel who oversees libraries.

Hasdiel - angel of benevolence.

Hasmal - fire speaking angel of the throne of God.

Hayliel - angel prince in the seventh heaven.

Haziel - angel whose name means "vision of God."

Heman - angel leader of the heavenly choir, whose name means "trust."

Hermesiel - angel who leads one of the heavenly choirs.

Hofniel - ruling angel of the bene elohim; name means "fighter of God."

Iaoel - an angel of the lord; angel of visions.

Iaoth - archangel who has power to thwart demons.

Leo - an angel who thwarts demons.

Iofiel - archangel whose name means "beauty of God."

Israfil - Islamic angel whose name means "the burning one."

Jael - cherub who guards the ark of the covenant.

Jahoel - one of the angels of the presence and chief of the seraphim.

Jaoel - guardian angel who lives in the seventh heaven.

Jeduthun - angel whose name means "master of howling" or chanting to God.

Jefischa - ruling angel of the fourth hour of the night.

Jehudiel - archangel who rules the movements of the celestial spheres.

Jeremiel - archangel whose name means "mercy of God."

Kabshiel - angel of grace and favor.

Kafziel - archangel who rules the planet Saturn.

Kakabel - angel who rules over stars and constellations.

Kalaziel - angel who has the power to thwart demons of disease.

Karael - angel who has the power to thwart demons.

Kemuel - archon angel and chief of the seraphim.

Kerubiel - prince angel of the cherubim.

Kokabiel - prince angel of the stars.

Kutiel - angel of water and the use of diving rods.

Labbiel - angel whose name was changed to Raphael.

Lahabiel - angel who protects against evil spirits.

Lamechial - angel who thwarts deception.

Lassuarium - angel who rules the tenth hour of the night.

Laylah - angel who oversees and protects childbirth.

Machidiel - angel governing the zodiac sign of Aries and the month of March.

Marmaroth - angel who has power to thwart fate.

Mendrion - angel who rules the seventh hour of the night.

Metatron - one of the greatest archangels, second only to God.

Michael - great archangel whose name means "who is as God."

Mihr - angel of divine mercy; angel that governs September.

Miniel - angel invoked to induce love.

Mitatron - an angel of the third heaven.

Morael - angel of awe that rules the months of August-September.

Moroni - brought messages to Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism.

Muriel - angel who rules the dominions and the month of June.

Naaririel - great prince angel of the seventh heaven.

Nahaliel - angel who governs running streams; "valley of God."

Nanael - angel who governs the sciences, and philosophy.

Narcariel - angel that rules the eighth hour of the night.

Nasargiel - good angel with a lion head that rules hell.

Nathanael - angel ruling over hidden things, fire and vengeance.

Naya'il - angel of testing.

Nelchael - angel of the schemhamphorae.

Nuriel - angel of spellbinding power and of hail storms.

Och - one ruling angel of the provinces of heaven.

Omael - angel of chemistry and species perpetuation.

Onoel - name of an archon angel...

Ophaniel - prince angel over the ophanim.

Ophiel - one ruling angel of the provinces of heaven and Mercury.

Oriel - ruling angel of the tenth hour of the day.

Orifiel - archangel over thrones, and the second hour of the day.

Orphamiel - angel known as the "great finger of the Father."

Osmadiel - ruling angel of the eighth hour of the day.

Ouriel - archangel who commands demons.

Pamyel - ruling angel of the ninth hour of night.

Pathiel - angel whose name means "opener of God."

Peliel - angel who rules the virtues.

Peniel - angel who rules Friday and resides in the third heaven.

Pesagniyah - angel who ushers prayers of grief to heaven.

Phaleg - one of the seven ruling angels of the provinces of heaven.

Phanuel - archangel who is an interpreter of revelations.

Phounebiel - disease thwarting angel.

Phul one of the seven ruling angels of the provinces of heaven.

Pravuil - an archangel who keeps all the records of heaven.

Pronoia - an archon angel who helped make mankind.

Purah - angel of forgetfulness.

Puriel - angel whose name means "the fire of God;" angel of punishment.

Qaspiel - angel who rules the moon.

Quabriel - ruling angel of the ninth hour of the day.

Rachiel - ophanim angel who rules Venus and governs sexuality.

Rachmiel - angel of mercy whose name also means the same.

Radueriel - angel who can create other angels and oversees archives.

Raguel - angel who watches over the behavior of angels; "friend of God."

Rahab - angel of death, destruction, but also the sea.

Rahatiel - angel prince of the constellations; name means "to run."

Rahmiel - angel of mercy and love.

Ramiel - angel who oversees visions and souls during the day of judgment.

Raphael - great archangel whose name means "the shining one who heals."

Rathanael - angel of the third heaven and thwarter of demons.

Raziel - angel chief over the thrones, guarding the secrets of the universe.

Remiel - angel who leads souls to judgment; name means "mercy of God."

Rikbiel - angel who oversees the divine chariot; chief of wheels.

Rizoel - angel with power to thwart demons.

Rogziel - angel of punishment whose name means "the wrath of God."

Ruman - angel who takes account of evil men's deeds while in hell.

Sabaoth - archon angel of the presence.

Sabathiel - angel or intelligence who communicates divine light.

Sablo - angel of graciousness and protection.

Sabrael - archangel who guards the first heaven.

Sabrathan - ruling angel of the first hour of the night.

Sachiel - ruling angel of Jupiter whose name means "covering of God."

Sagnessagiel - angel who guards the fourth hall of the seventh heaven.

Sahaqiel - angel prince of the fourth heaven.

Salathiel - rescuing angel of Adam and Eve.

Samkiel - angel of destruction and purifier of souls from sheol.

Samuel - fruling angel of the first hour of the day.

Sandalphon - giant angel whose name means "co-brother" (of Metratron).

Saniel - ruling angel of the sixth hour of the day.

Sarakiel - angel who rules the ministering angels.

Sarandiel - ruling angel of the twelfth hour of the night.

Satqiel - angel prince of the fifth heaven.

Seraphiel - chief angel of the seraphim angels.

Shamsiel - angel whose name means "light of day."

Shepherd - angel of repentance.

Shoftiel - angel whose name means "the judge of God."

Sidqiel - angel prince of the ophanim; ruler of Venus.

Sidriel - angel prince of the first heaven.

Simiel - archangel.

Sizouze - angel of prayer.

Sophia - angel whose name means "wisdom."

Soqedhozi - angel who weighs the merits of of men before God.

Sorath - angel who is the spirit of the sun.

Sorush - angel who punishes souls on judgment day.

Soterasiel - angel whose name means "who stirs up the fire of God."

Sraosha - angel who sets the world in motion.

Suriel - angel of healing whose name means "God's command."

Tagas - governing angel of singing angels.

Tartys - ruling angel of the second hour of the night.

Tatrasiel - great angelic prince.

Temeluch - angel caretaker who protects newborn babies and children.

Temperance - angel of the elixir of life.

Theliel - angel prince of love.

Tubiel - angel of summer.

Tzadkiel - angel of justice and guardian of the gates of the east wind.

Ubaviel - angel of the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Umabel - angel of physics and astronomy.

Uriel - great archangel whose name means "God is my light."

Usiel - an angel who stands before the throne of God.

Uzziel - cherubim angel whose name means "strength of God."

Varhmiel - ruling angel of the fourth hour of the day.

Vequaniel - ruling angel of the third hour of the day.

Verchiel - ruling angel of the month of July and of the zodiac sign Leo.

Vretiel - swift in wisdom archangel responsible for recording God's deeds.

Xathanael - the sixth angel created by God.

Yabbashael - an angel of the earth whose name means "the mainland."

Yefefiah - archangel who is the prince of the Torah.

Yehudiah - benevolent angel of death.

Yerachmiel - an archangel who rules earth.

Yeshamiel - angel who rules the zodiac sign of Libra.

Yofiel - angel prince of the Torah commanding 53 legions of angels.

Zaapiel - angel punisher of wicked souls.

Zaazenach - ruling angel of the sixth hour of the night.

Zabkiel - angel who rules over the thrones.

Zachariel - angel governor of Jupiter.

Zachriel - angel who governs memories.

Zadkeil - archangel who rules heaven and stands in the presence of God.

Zagzagel - angel prince of the Torah and of wisdom.

Zakzakiel - angel of the seventh heaven who records good deeds.

Zaphiel - angel ruler of the cherubim.

Zaphkiel - archangel whose name means "knowledge of God."

Zarall - cherub angel who guards the ark of the covenant.

Zazriel - angel whose name means "strength of God."

Zehanpuryu - high ranking angel whose name means "one who sets free."

Zerachiel - angel of the month of July and the sun.

Zophiel - angel whose name means "God's spy."

Zuriel - angel ruler of the principalities whose name means "my rock is God."


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Hugh Jarse
2 days ago

May the odds be ever in your favour DeeDee

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