A listing will go up for these and in the notes you just put which one you want.
A list of Deities
Ababa: Temple Gatekeeper
Abgal: Seven Sumerian wise men; They are the attending deities of Enki she was the sister/wife of Geg the god of the earth and mother of Isis, Oriris, Nepthys and Seth
Adad: A storm god, who was also responsible for floods; Son of Anu. His counterpart is the Canaanite god "Hadad" who is the god of thunder and Lightning
Adapa: One of the Seven wise men, he is the wisest among the seven; Son of Ea. He was granted knowledge but not eternal life
Adrammelech: Babylonian deity. Infants were burnt as sacrificial offerings
Aja: Dawn Goddess and consort of the sun god
Akkad: First Babylonian city
Akkan: Four Saami Goddesses who oversee conception, birth and destiny;
· Madderakka
· Sarakka
· Juksakka
· Ugsakka
Alauwaimis: Demon who drives away evil sickness
Alla: God of the netherworld
Allulu: Mesopotamian bird-man; He loved Ishtar
Alu: Mesopotamian demon with canine features. He prefers silence and darkness
Ama-arhus: Babylonian/Akkadian fertility goddess
Amurru: Akkadian mountain god and god of nomads
An: Sumerian God of heaven; Son of Nammu; Father of Enlil; Spouse of Ki
Anatu: Mesopotamian goddess; Ruler of Earth and Queen of the sky
Anduruna: "Heaven" in Mesopotamian cosmology
Antadurunnu: Temple Gatekeeper who was partnered with Ababa
Antu: Sumerian Goddess of creation; Feminine counterpart and consort of Anu
Anshar: The Sumerian god of the celestial world born of the serpents "Lakhmu" and "Lakhamu." He mated with his sister "Kishar" to produce Anu
Anu: He was the sky god and symbolized heaven.Husband to Antu and their children were the "Annunaki." Some regard the Annunaki as the seven Sumerian "fates" who waited at the gates of hell to judge the newly arrived souls. Anu was portrayed as a bull whose bellowing was thunder. He was in charge of the assembly of gods
Anunita: Babylonian Goddess of the moon; She later merged with the Goddess Ishtar
Anunna: Sumerian name for the sky and earth gods, the assembly of high gods and especially for the deities of a local pantheon
Anunnaku: Akkadian name for a group of gods in the underworld; They function as judges of the dead; They are the offspring of Anu
Anzu: Babylonian valet of Ellil
Anzu-Birds: "Wise birds of heaven"
Apsu: The god of the sweet-water ocean. The union between Apsu and Tiamat brought forth the first of the Sumerian gods
Arazu: Babylonian God of completed construction
Aruru: Goddess of creation in Babylonian mythology
Asag: Wild primeval mountain God
Ashnan: Sumerian Goddess of grain; Daughter of Enlil
Aya: The Dawn; bride of Shamash
Baba: Sumerian Tutelary Goddess; She is the patroness of the King; She is the mother Goddess and a goddess of healing
Babbar: Ancient Sumerian sun-god
Basmu: Giant snake; It is the symbol of Nin-gishzida
Bel: He was known as the "sage" of the gods. Considered to be a very clever god. Son of Ea and Dumkina. Brother of Marduk
Belet-Ili: Sumerian Goddess of the womb
Beletseri: Akkadian Goddess and clerk of the underworld
Belit-Sheri: Babylonian scribe of the underworld
Bull of Heaven: The personification of drought that was created by Anu for Ishtar
Dagon: Babylonian grain and fertility god
Damgalnunna: Mesopotamian mother goddess; consort of Enki. Often identified with the sumerian earth goddess Ninchursanga
Damkina: Ancient Sumerian/Babylonian Goddess
Damu: Sumerian God of Healing and Vitality. Son of Ninhursag and Enki
Dazimua: God created by Ninhursag to cure Enki's side in "Enki and Ninhursag's paradise." He was the husband of Ningishzida
Dilmun: Sumerian Paradise. It is the scene of the creation myth
Dumuzi: God of vegetation/fertility and the underworld
Ea: Ancient Sumerian/Babylonian God of the sweet waters; Son of Ansar and Kisar; Consort to Dumkina; Father to Marduk; Regarded as the source and patron of magic, wisdom and medical science
Eabani: Companion of Gilgamesh
Ebeh: Sumerian Mountain god
Ekur: Temple of Enlil
Ellil: Akkadian God of Earth and wind; Son of Ansar and Kisar; Father of Sin
Emesh: A farmer of the gods. He created the trees and fields. His brother was Enten, who was the personification of winter. Emesh was the personification of summer
En: Sumerian Title for Lord or God
Enbilulu: A minor water deity in charge of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
Endukugga: With Nindukugga they are Sumerian Gods residing in the underworld; Parents of Enlil
Enki : He was the water god of earth, air, and magick. He lives in "Apsu", the watery depths below the earth. Son of Nammu and brother to Enlil
Enkidu: The God of the Forests and Wildlife. Son of Aruru and Anu
Enkimdu: A gentle farmer god. He was in charge of canals and ditches
Enlil: God of the sky and tempest. His domain was the planes of the earth and the sky above it; First born of Anu and Ki. Brother of Enki. He represented the divine forces and powers of the cosmos
Enmesarra: Sumerian God of the underworld
Ennugi: Mesopotamian God of irrigation and inspector of canals
Enshagag: A god created by Ninhursag to cure an unknown part of Enki's body
Enten: God responsible for animal birth and the productivity of animals
Enushirgal: Temple of the Moon God, situated in Ur
Ereshkigal: "Lady of the Great Place"; Goddess of death, gloom, and the dead. She was the older sister of Inanna and queen of the underworld. Twin sister of Enki
Erragal: A god of the Underworld
Eridan: River in the nether world
Erra: Babylonian God of War, Death and other disasters
Etemmu: Akkadian term for the soul of the deceased who has not been buried
Gallu: Akkadian demons of the underworld
Gerra: The god of Fire
Geshinasnna: (Demigoddess); Wife of Ninjiczida. Daughter of Enki; Sister to Dumuzi. Her time in the Underworld from her visits with Dumuzi and her periodic emergence from it, are link with her divine authority over the autumn vines and wine
Gibil: Assyrian god as in one of the four elements. He was called governor of gods and men. Son of Anu and Antu
Gilgamesh: The Great hero of Sumerian and Babylonian Epic Poetry
Girru: Akkadian God of fire and light; Patron of civilisations; He is the messenger of the gods
Gugalanna: Bull of Heaven
Gula: Goddess of healing. She was described as a great physician of the black-headed people
Gulu: Ancient name for the Earth Mother Goddess; Consort of Ninurta; Daughter of Anu and Antu. She is the patroness of herbs, healing, and life
Haia: God of the stores; Father of Ninlil
Hanish: Mesopotamian divine herald of storm and bad weather
Huwawa: Guardian god of the great forest in the Cedar Mountains
Igigi: The collective names for the great gods of heaven
Imdugud: A rain god worshipped in the area of Ur. He was shaped like an eagle with a lion's head, and with wings which were like the clouds
Inanna/Ishtar: Sumerian Goddess of the morning and evening stars. As well as love, war, and fertility. She is the sister to Utu (Shamash) and Adad. She is the daughter of Sin
Ininna: Early Sumerian name for the Mesopotamian fertility and war goddess Ishtar
Irkalla: Another name for Ereshkigal
Irra: Known as a plague god. Irra is an aspect of Nergal, given the tasks of inflicting disease on mankind at the request of the gods
Isara: "Queen of Judgement and offer rites"; Syro/Mesopotamian Goddess of the Oath
Ishkhara: Babylonian Goddess of love; Priestess of Ishtar
Ishkur: Sumerian God of storms and rain
Ishullana: Gardener of Anu
Ishum: God of fire. He was also skillful with weapons
Kabta: A minor deity in charge of brickmold
Kakka: Messenger to the God Anu
Kaksisa: Babylonian Star God (Sirius)
Khuluppu: The World Tree in Babylonian Cosmology
Ki (Ninhursag, Nintu, Ninmah, Nintur, Aruru, Belet-ili, Mami, Ma-ma): The Babylonian Mother Goddess. From her union with Enki came Ninsar, the Goddess of plants. It is by Ninhursag's and Enki's design that humankind was created; Original Earth and Mother Goddess; Consort of Anu; Daughter of Nammu; Goddess of the Primeval Sea
Kingu: Mesopotamian Demon who became the second consort of Tiamat
Kishar: Sister and consort of Anshar. Born of the serpents Lakmu and Lakhamu. She is the mother of Anu
Kiskill-lilla: Sumerian night demon
Kittu: God who represented Justice. He was the son of Utu and Sherida. Brother of Misharu
Kulitta: Goddess of music
Kulla: Babylonian God who restores temples
Kulullu: Assyrian water spirits
Kusag: Babylonian Patron God of Priests; He is the High priest of the Gods
Labbu: Akkadian sea monster
Lahar: God of cattle; Brother of Ashanan. He was created in the creation chamber of the gods, "the Dulkug" to feed and clothe the Anunnaki
Lamastu: Akkadian demoness who causes puerperal fever and childhood diseases
Lugalbanda: Third King of the dynasty of Uruk; A god and shepherd
Magilum: Mesopotamian boat of the dead
Mama: Mesopotamian(Sumerian/Akkadian) Mother Goddess
Mami: Babylonian Goddess who created mortals
Mamitu: Akkadian Goddess of the oath. She became later the goddess of fate and the judge in the underworld
Mammetu: Babylonian goddess of fate and destiny
Mammetum: Ancestral Goddess who is responsible for destinies
Marduk: God of healing and regeneration; Son of Enki and Dankina; Husband of Sarpanitum; Father of Nabu. He is a god known for justice, impartiality, and compassion. He is the god-king of Babylon, the holder of 50 names of power. He defeated Tiamat for supremacy of the gods. He is the great-grandson of Tiamat. He is also known as the Shepherd of the Gods due to his peacekeeping talents
Martu: Sumerian God of Steppes. He is also a storm god who brings destruction on settlements
Misharu: God who represented the Law. Son of Utu and Sherida, brother to Kittu
Mulitta: Babylonian Goddess; Consort of Ellil
Mummu: Ancient Sumerian/Babylonian Craftsman god; He is the personification of skill
Mushdamma: Minor deity in charge of building and construction
Mylitta: Babylonian/Assyrian Goddess of fertility and childbirth
Nabu: Babylonian god of writing and wisdom. Son of Marduk and Sarpanitum. He was known as the scribe and minister of Marduk; He is the Babylonian patron of scribes. He was entrusted with the Tablets of Destiny
Nammu: Sumerian Creation Goddess. She is the goddess who gave birth to the heavens (An) and to the earth (Ki). Nammu's pregnancy is the world's first documented case of "immaculate conception." She personifies the Apsu, or the sweet fertile waters, as the source of water and therefore fertility
Namtar: God herald of death
Nana: A virgin Mother Goddess of the Spirit of vegetation and fertility
Nanaja: Sumerian/Akkadian Goddess of sex. She is also worshipped as the goddess of war
Nanna: "Lord of Destiny"; Sumerian Moon God; Son of Enlil and Ninlil; Husband to Ningal; Father to Inanna, Utu and Ishkur
Nannar: Early Sumerian Name for the moon-god (Sin)
Nanse: Fertility and Water Goddess; She gave prophets the ability to interpret dreams
Nanshe: Goddess of springs and waterways, also of morals and ethics
Nergal: Ancient Sumerian/Babylonian God of the netherworld; He is an evil god who brings war, pestilence, fever and devastation
Neti: Chief gate keeper in the underworld; Sumerian form of Nedu
Nidaba: Goddess of writing and accounting; She is the patron deity of the "edubba" (palace archives)
Nin: Sumerian Title for "Mistress" or "Goddess"
Nin-agal: Mesopotamian god of smiths
Ninatta: Goddess of music; She serves Ishtar
Ninazu: Babylonian God of magic incantations
Nindukugga: With Endukugga they are the parental gods who reside in the underworld
Ninedinna: Babylonian Goddess of the books of the dead
Ningal: She is the wife of the Moon God, Nanna. Daughter of Enki and Ningikuga. Mother of Utu and Inanna. Her name means "Great Lady."
Ningikurra: She was the Goddess of Mountain pastures
Ningirsu: Sumerian/Babylonian God of rain, irrigation and fertility
Nin-gishzida: "Trusty Timber"; He is the Sumerian God who is paired with Dumuzi
Ningizzida: "Lord of the Tree of Life"; Fertility God
Ninhursag: "Queen of the Mountain"; Sumerian Earth and mother goddess; Goddess of fertility (she created all vegetation); Consort of Enki
Ninib: Another name for the Mesopotamian Deity Ninurta
Nin-insina: Sumerian Local Goddess of Isin (a Sumerian settlement)
Ninkar: Goddess of brewing
Ninkarrak: Babylonian/Sumerian Goddess of healing
Ninkasi: Goddess of strong drink. She was created by Ninhursag to heal Enki's ailing mouth, after he had eaten her grandchildren
Ninki: "Lady of the Waters"; Wife of Ea
Ninkur: Daughter of Ninsar and Mother of Uttu
Ninlil: She was known as Enlil's queen or soulmate. Daughter of Ninshebargunnu and Haia; Mother of Ninurta and Nanna
Ninmah: Sumerian/Akkadian mother goddess
Ninni: Goddess of fertility and war
Ninshar: Sumerian Goddess of birth and stony ground
Ninsun: "Queen of the wild cow"; Minor Sumerian Goddess noted for her wisdom
Ninisinna: Patron Goddess of the city of Isin
Nintu: Mesopotamian Goddess; She is an aspect of Belet-Ili
Nintur: Akkadian Goddess of birth
Ninurta: Sumerian/Babylonian God of rain/fertility/war/thunderstorms/wells/canals/floods/the plough and the South Wind
Nirah: Ancient Sumerian Snake Deity
Nisaba: Sumerian Goddess of grain, writing and wisdom
Nudimmud: Babylonian God who created the first ocean
Nusku: Sumerian God of light and fire; Messenger and Son of Enlil; Father of Gibil
Papsukkel: Chief minister of the Sumerian Gods of heaven
Pazuza: Winged Demon; It is the personification of the south-east storm wind (which brings diseases)
Qinga: Alternative name of the Sumerian God "Kingu"
Ramman: In the Gilgamesh Epic, Ramman is the God of winds/storms and thunder
Rimmon: Babylonian God who presided over storms
Salbatanu: Babylonian Planet-God (Mars)
Samuqan: Mesopotamian god of cattle
Sara: Mesopotamian God of the town of Umma
Sataran: Patron God of the Sumerian City Der; Divine Judge and healer
Scorpion Men: In Babylonian Mythology, they are the Children of Tiamat
Seven Sages: The wise men who brought civilisation to the seven oldest cities of Mesopotamia
Shamash: "The Sun"; For Sumerians he was the judge and law giver and had some fertility attributes; For Semites he was a victorious warrior, god of wisdom; Son of Sin; Husband/Brother to Ishtar
Shullat: Divine herald of storm and bad weather in ancient Mesopotamia
Shulpae: Mesopotamian God who presided over feasts
Shutu: Sumerian God of the south-wind; God of illness and sicknesses
Sibzianna: Sumerian Star-God (Orion)
Siduri: Divine wine maker and brewer
Silili: Babylonian divine mare; Mother of all horses
Sin: Known as the Sumerian Moon-god Nanna; He is the chief astral deity; Son of Enlil and Ninlil; Father to Utu-Shamash and Ishtar; Lord of the Calendar; Fixing the seasons; Vegetation deity; Patron of Fertility; With Shamash and Hadad he makes up the second triad of Mesopotamian Gods
Sulpa'e: Sumerian Fertility God; Personification of the planet Jupiter; Patron of Wild animals
Tammuz: Akkadian vegetation god; Counterpart of the Sumerian Dumuzi; Symbol of Death and rebirth in nature; Son of Ea; Husband of Ishtar
Tiamet: In Babylonian Myth, Tiamet is a large, bloated female dragon; She personifies the saltwater ocean, the Water of Chaos; She is the primordial mother of all that exists; Consort of Apsu
Ummanu: The Seven Sages who wrote the great poems
Umunmutamkag: Babylonian Deity who presents the offerings to the Gods
Usma: Two-faced attendant of Ea
Uttu: Sumerian Spider Goddess of weaving and clothing; Daughter of Enki and Nindurra
Utu: Ancient Sumerian Sun-God/fertility/judgement and law giving; He corresponds to Shamash; He was created by Enlil
Zababa: Akkadian God of War; Consort of the Goddess Ishtar
Zakar: Babylonian god of dreams
Zappu: Babylonian Deities of the Pleiades
Zaqar: Sumerian God of nighttime visions or dreams
Zarpanit: Ancient Sumerian/Babylonian Goddess (also known as Beltia); Consort of Marduk
Zisutra: Sumerian Priest-King during the great flood
Zu: Sumerian/Akkadian divine storm bird; He is the personification of the southern wind and thunder clouds
May the odds be ever in your favour DeeDee