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The missing page.

Writer's picture: Dee DeeDee Dee

The 25th Page of the CIA’s Gateway Report on Astral Projection Versus Simulation Theory

And it makes sense out of a lot of aspects of our universe.

June 15, 2021

15 min read

It was 38 years ago that page 25 of the CIA’s “Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process” went missing. In 2003, the information was declassified and the hunt began. The military had produced mind-blowing research on the concepts of other dimensions and of astral projection, and this one page was a significant puzzle piece missing from the equation. But now, it’s been found. Oddly enough, it was simply emailed as an attachment to someone who had been interested and writing articles about the Gateway Report for some time now, and thus this last and mind-bending page was added into the incomplete report for us to get the full effect of the experiments and what was learned.

It’s time to finally see what it says and how it compares to Simulation Theory.

Some Backstory on the Page

In 1983, the CIA’s Gateway Report was produced by Itzhak Bentov, an Israeli-American engineer in biomedicine, and Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell, a U.S. Army Lieutenant. In 2003, this intriguing 28-page report became declassified. The document was released, but the highly crucial page 25 was, for whatever reason, still missing.

For those not well acquainted with the concept, astral projection is often considered similar in nature to “out of body” experiences. Individuals that partake in the practice believe that, with the right technologies and guidance, humans can become capable of training their consciences to be able to travel beyond the barriers of space-time, allowing our minds to explore the universe and other realities. Our minds become no longer confined to the space-time dimension we’re so familiar with.

Perhaps this is how it feels to live in a simulation, the kind postulated by the Simulation Theory.  Such a unique feeling might be some leftover residue from another reality and it remains in the unconscious along with our memories of other times and places.

In the CIA report, McDonnell states that his primary goal was to be able to build an accurate and valid model of the functions of consciousness to remove the occult stigma attached with out-of-body experiences. There could actually be practical application for the practice, but that has yet to be seen. He does note that if the military were to somehow involve themselves with astral projection of any sort, there could be the risk of potential encounters when passing the boundaries of space-time in which humans may come across non-corporeal and coherent energy of life forms, and they would certainly need to be prepared for it. The United States Army spent years after this trying to conduct “remote viewing” missions by training the possibly psychic abilities of soldiers for them to project and observe various locations across the planet.

“However, a phased approach for entering the Gateway Experience in an accelerated mode would seem to be required if the time needed to reach advanced states of altered consciousness is brought within more manageable limits from the standpoint of establishing an organization-wide exploitation of Gateway’s potential.”McDonnell

A Mystery of the Cosmos

The CIA report takes the reader for a wild ride through 24 pages of transcendence, scientific and spiritual perspectives, techniques, and possible applications for traversing space-time through projection. After much discussion of belief systems, physics, hypnosis, and meditation to the point of pushing the ideas of our existence to a breaking point, the report abruptly stops at page 24 and skips straight to 26.

“This is so because in order to attain self-consciousness, the consciousness of the Absolute must project a hologram of itself and then perceive it. That hologram is a mirror image of the Absolute in infinity, still exists outside time and space, but is one step removed from the Absolute and is the actual agent of all creation (all reality) .”

Almost as if the entire previous sections were something common and insignificant, McDonnell simply continues with a “Motivational Aspects” section that addresses using the Gateway instead of the aforementioned and highly-detailed breakdowns of all aspects of astral projection and its implication.

“But the rate of progress is so much faster with the Gateway approach than it is with transcendental meditation or other forms of mental self-discipline and its horizons seem to be so much wider that the discipline needed to practice it would seem to be within the means of even the impatient, result oriented, skeptical pragmatist of our society.”

Understanding consciousness and its various dimensions is part of the work of world expert, Nir Ziso, author of Simulation Creationism and founder of The Global Architect Institute. Ziso’s model suggests that our reality and existence can be explained by assuming we are all part of a simulation whose objective is to research and monitor events related to creation and life. Furthermore, according to the model, everything we see and smell, our actions and our thoughts are predetermined and transmitted to an observer whose reality is a “movie” – a transmission from a relay station, with the observer as the endpoint. The observer’s consciousness is the simulation component in charge of recording his emotional response to the events/stimuli being transmitted.

Consciousness is therefore the issue both in Simulation Theory and the Gateway Report. They can be reconciled if one takes a new perspective.

Numerous requests have been put in over the years for the sake of trying to get ahold of the climactic page 25 that was missing from McDonnell’s report. For most of these filings, the CIA has claimed there never even was a page 25 in their possession at any point, but this has only fueled the determination of those who believed in its existence and wanted answers: everyone from casual readers to government transparency activists to conspiracy theorists. (Some of these theorists also suspect that McDonnell intentionally omitted page 25 from the report, which may or may not be the case.)

Teachings of Robert Monroe

The teaching of Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute, played a significant part in the invention of both the Gateway Experience and the Gateway Report. Interestingly enough, not long after an article was published mentioning the Gateway Report, someone reached out from this same Monroe Institute to announce that the missing 25th page of the Gateway Report was in their own archives in Virginia. Apparently a large number of people had been pursuing the CIA in their attempts to get ahold of the page and make the report complete, but they all fell short in their endeavors.

Despite the number of people requesting to see the missing page of the report, apparently no one had actually reached out to the Monroe Institute itself— where the page had been residing the entire time. It wasn’t until one of the first articles was published about the Gateway Report that The Monroe Institute began reaching out. The original author of that piece somehow allowed the email to go unnoticed and get lost in their personal inbox, but eventually the Monroe Institute tried again to make contact, informing them that they had the elusive page 25 of the report. However, the Institute refused to part with the page without a bit of marketing fanfare around the event. They had plans to capitalize on one of the more popular articles addressing the situation at the time, along with some TikTok videos that were circulating and mentioning the elusive page finally having been located.

After all of the marketing plans were in the works, the author that The Monroe Institute had contacted about the missing page had one final phone call with a cryptic statement that certain aspects of the report were being discussed that they had no intention of being open about at the time. Once the call ended, the contact from the Monroe Institute went completely quiet and quite a bit of time passed before anyone heard anything further.

After a period of silence, the Monroe Institute finally resurfaced and provided the complete Gateway Report— along with page 25. Jenny Whedbee, the Director of Marketing and Communications within the Monroe Institute, clarified that the previous COO and CEO of the company were no longer a part of the Institute and that they had gone through a complete overhaul of the organization, but now she was handling things about the Gateway Report and was pleased to be able to finally open up about the experiment and the Monroe Institute’s part played within the study.

Imagine if Robert Monroe met Nir Ziso or even Nicholas Bostrom, a physicist and professor at Oxford University. What would  he say about Simulation Theory.

The Missing Page

The entire Gateway Report, all pages included, is now ready to be presented and taken in by the public audience. Starting the astral and literary journey with the word “Absolute,” this word is significant with its implications on both quantum physics as well as the spiritual beliefs tied into projection.

When the energy of motion is measured, this is what we call time— according to physicists, anyway. However, in more simplified terms, time could be more accurately described as the amount of change being measured, whether that’s in an environment or in a specific object. Larger vibratory patterns have to provide limits for the necessary motion for change to occur, though. A definitive location must be pinpointed within the framework to make this particular location distinct from other areas in overall space. Uncontained energy has no limits, so it becomes a force that is incapable of being held back from permeating and existing in all locations. McDonnell explains further by telling us that this state of “Absolute” refers to the fact that there becomes no way to separate the details of where “here” is compared to where “there” may be. It is simply “the Absolute.”

The Gateway Reports describes “the Absolute” as the primary force of energy within our Universe, but it is all of that energy and en masse. It is the force responsible for powering our entirety in this hologram of the Universe. The report sets the stage by describing our “cosmic egg” or universal hologram as a massive spiral that flows continuously. Intertwined somewhere between this Absolute energy and what we perceive as our own reality are an endless number of dimensions. The last line before delving into the long-missing page 25 of the report described “the Absolute” as the ceiling of this universal conglomeration of energy and existence.

McDonnell furthers describes how nearly every religion in the history of our planet has incorporated some type of “stylized” representation of this universal spire, whether it’s been the Chinese Spiral through the Four Powers, the Hebrew Tree of Life, the Hindu equivalent of the same, the labyrinth described by the Hellenic world, or the Holy Spirit of Christianity. The same area of thought has infiltrated all of these beliefs and become part of their primary teaching.

The manner in which “The Absolute” was found is the defining difference between the conclusions drawn by religious scholars and the developments that have taken place in modern physics. Those who focused on religion found this energy by simple intuition, whereas the experts in physics turned their attention to quantitative research. Right in the midst of all this is when the Gateway finally appeared, providing a much-needed intermediary for accessing this universal hologram.

The third portion of the page delves into a common concept in psychology: one cannot possibly access and understand the Absolute, the universe, and the cosmic egg until they first become able to access and acquire knowledge of themselves. Achieving an altered state of consciousness includes an enhanced state of self-perception to become capable of perceiving the universal hologram as well. This possibility is nearly guaranteed by the Gateway Experience.

Back to Simulation Theory, the “absolute” can be easily absorbed in its arguments. The word is a synonym for reality, whatever definition it takes.

Achieving Hemi-Sync

Robert Monroe was a radio broadcasting executive in the 1970s that created an entire division within his company for the sake of R&D and studying how sounds affects the consciousness of human beings. It was his audio technology that became a key factor in both astral projection as well as the Gateway Report.

Monroe published a book in 1971 entitled Journeys Out of the Body which discusses his self-experiment of using specifically calibrated sound frequencies to induce “out of body experiences” while sleeping. This book and his experiments are how the term came into popular use.

The R&D department Monroe formed in his company is what eventually evolved into The Monroe Institute today. The Institute now continues with similar studies, especially experimenting with the concept of “Hemi-Sync,” or hemispheric synchronization, which focuses on achieving equal balance in the frequency, electrical brain patterns, and amplitude present in both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

This is accomplished through the use of two different techniques. In the first technique, headphones are used to introduce an external frequency that is easily recognizable and triggers the brain to attempt to copy, or mimic, this frequency by making adjustments to the output of the brainwaves— this is called “Frequency Following Response.” As an example, when a brain is resting, it is at a Beta level of frequency. Upon hearing a Theta level sound though, it will deviate from its being in Beta. 

The second technique utilized is referred to as “beat frequency,” which is when frequencies of a contrasting nature are presented to each of a person’s ears, allowing the brain to begin to hear these distinct differences between these two frequencies. By causing the brain to hear one type of frequency through one ear and another in the opposite, the brain then becomes capable of hearing the frequency of the difference of the two sounds, opening it up to perception of additional frequencies that are only audible at a nearly marginal or subliminal level.

The ideal conditions for having a brain be able to produce brainwave outputs of increasingly elevated frequency and amplitude are to have the body suspended in a sleeplike state and having optimal relaxation within the left brain. Consciousness becomes able to “click out” of what we know as space-time if these wave patterns are able to descend beyond the oscillation frequency of 10-33 cm/s. In this state, one’s consciousness is able to join the infinity. Monroe suspects that being able to stay in this “clicked out” state for extended periods of time would allow us to become capable of communication with beings in other dimensions. This Hemi-Sync technology has now been sold to a company sharing the same name.

Bob Holbrook, now a chief engineer of The Monroe Institute, strongly believes that the head trauma he experienced from a horrible car accident was only resolved via the audio offerings provided by the Institute. Bob provided further commentary on how The Monroe Institute has used a technique based on binaural beats to produce new sound technology, which they now refer to as “Monroe Audio Support” or MAS. Whereas these beats were only one type of audio tech available, their advancements in this field had led to the development of over 50 types now. These variations on the original binaural beats appear to allow participants to access numerous levels of consciousness and have even more intense encounters than before. Gamma synchrony is the key factor in Monroe Audio Support. Two other features worth noting are Amplitude Modulation, which allows live manipulation of the soundscape and its volume by technicians, and Phase Modulation, which allows the directions to be changed of where it appears a sound is originating

Recordings of the experiments conducted within the Institute’s R&D department can be found in an archive labeled “The Explorer Series.” These tapes show the effects of Monroe’s own subliminal suggestions when combined with particular frequencies and are evidence of the personal reports of those who experienced environments that were of a non-physical nature.

Before COVID set off a series of intense restrictions, The Monroe Institute welcomed many “meditators” to their physical headquarters located in Virginia to tackle a variety of challenges with ever-increasing levels of difficulty. They provide a week-long set of tests and opportunities to encourage an individual’s conscience to reach and travel through time, space, and whatever may lie beyond those planes. However, not all will achieve success in these endeavors.

These experiments and documented experiences are what intrigued the CIA and led to the development of the Gateway Report.

Experiments abound for Simulation Theory. Both the theory and the Gateway Report share the task of explaining the unexplainable.

The Monroe Institute Today

Jenny Whedbee of The Monroe Institute has expressed the Institute’s desire to find its place in the world, society, and science as technology and other aspects of our Universe continue to move forward. She believes that growth is essential for the Institute, but it needs to happen in a way that respects the original intentions of those who founded and put their lives’ work into what has taken place there. The most important part of sticking to the beliefs and traditions of the Monroe Institute is standing behind Robert Monroe and the essential programs he’s been devoted to working on for so long: Exploration 27, Lifeline, Guidelines, and even Gateway Voyage. All of these have allowed people to experience for themselves the altered state of conscience in which they are able to visit their past lives, ask questions, or simply explore beyond their constraints of typical consciousness. These experiments have made astral travel possible, even though it requires numerous exercises in the span of just 24 hours for the equivalent of a straight workweek to achieve these results.

Jenny has said that the experiments are “like running a marathon.” Upon joining The Monroe Institute, she went from someone inexperienced in astral projection and the elevation of consciousness to someone who became able to view her own past lives and even her future. She insists the only way to true enlightenment is through the experiences that the Institute can provide. A quote from Whedbee in these conversations has stated that “if you want the rocket ship [to] where your life is forever enlightened, you’re not going to get that [from] any other way than coming here,” she’s said about the Institute.

Regarding page 25 of the Gateway Report, Jenny has stated that she felt like part of why the page went “missing” for so long was due to society at the time not being ready, but the times have changed now and this information is far more relevant and ready to be processed. It’s possible that the page could have been intentionally left out, but it’s also possible that it was excluded as a simple accident— there is no way to currently truly know, and no one has spoken up about the matter as of the present. The implications of its release 20 years ago and the potential backlash that could have occurred due to the mentions of religion and how it could affect lives could have been devastating. But today, society as a whole is much more relaxed on the topics and willing to accept what was discovered and included in the report. The focus today is more on having an awakened sense of consciousness and identity, especially in younger age groups, so now is the perfect time for this information to come to light.

Jenny has insisted that everything in existence has happened for a reason, but it’s not one that applies to the physical plane we all currently find ourselves on. There is much more to it.

A Feedback Loop of Consciousness

The density of the Gateway Report became so cumbersome that it tended to make itself even more complex and inaccessible at points. However, the appeal led to an overflow of people reading the articles written about it and reaching out for more information. In just three weeks, there were millions who traipsed through an obstacle course of articles to find more information.

So many people have shared about having “out of body” experiences now, and it seems like most of us would like more answers.

Included below is a high-resolution digital copy of the Gateway Report’s elusive page 25. Take a closer look to see the 659 micro-inscriptions of the various accounts of out-of-body experiences digitally embedded in the print, only visible at or above 300% magnification.

Perhaps having an out of body experience will help the people of our planet to understand why reality is questioned in terms of its creation and on-going operation. It won’t seem strange at all to posit some genius mind behind a supercomputer, observint humans in the midst of a simulation.

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Hugh Jarse
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May the odds be ever in your favour DeeDee

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