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Writer's pictureDee Dee

The Usage of Gemstones and Crystals to Heal and Empower.

The Usage of Gemstones and Crystals to Heal and Empower.

For those who don’t believe this is possible have you asked yourself why some are used in watches? What about TV’s? They are used because they hold power similar to electricity. How is that possible you may ask? It’s because our Earth is a great mystery and many places these gems and crystals are found lay between energy lines. When the crystals and gems are being formed they soak up that energy.  Below is a list of some great gemstones and crystals. For example, Jet was used mainly in Victorian times. You could guarantee that if someone in the family died the other members were wearing Jet. Jet was used in lockets that held hair or even a post mortem pictures. Best of all you could wear it and it was a great source to use when conjuring any type of spirit! Be weary of who you conjure!

Below is a minimal list of what some gemstones can do.  A person can cone to you and tell you all of their issues and a special bag can be made up to cure and help them. From curses to arthritis, aches, pains and serious issues, these will help! You may think a gemstone or crystal is just a thing but they are living, not dead matter.


  - Properties: Known for its spiritual protection and purification. It enhances spiritual awareness, promotes love, and helps in emotional centering.

  - Body Part: Crown and Third Eye Chakras. Often associated with the head, particularly for alleviating headaches or improving sleep.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Can be used to dispel anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. Also, it's believed to aid in breaking addictions.

Tiger Eye-

  - Properties: A stone of protection, it also promotes mental clarity, unclouded emotions, and insight.

  - Body Part: Solar Plexus and Root Chakras. Linked with the lower abdomen and can enhance personal power and willpower.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Good for grounding, balancing yin-yang, and energizing the emotional body. It's often used for wealth attraction.

Pink Quartz (Rose Quartz)

  Properties: The stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It's excellent for healing emotional wounds.

  - Body Part: Heart Chakra. It's associated with the heart and circulatory system.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Encourages self-love, heals emotional body, enhances compassion, and aids in relationship healing.

Clear Quartz-

  - Properties: Known as the "master healer," it amplifies energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.

  - Body Part: All chakras, particularly the Crown Chakra. It's versatile and can be programmed for any part of the body.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Enhances psychic abilities, aids concentration, and harmonizes all the chakras.


  - Properties: A stone of magic, awakening psychic abilities, and enhancing intuition.

  - Body Part: Often linked with the Third Eye Chakra for enhancing intuition.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Protects the aura, prevents energy leakage, and can take one into another world or into other lives.


  - Properties: A purification stone. It dispels negative energy and can be worn for protection.

  - Body Part: Throat Chakra. Also associated with the heart and lungs for healing purposes.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilizes mood swings, and encourages truthful communication.


  - Properties: Not a stone but fossilized tree resin. It's known for its ability to draw disease from the body, healing, and renewing energy.

  - Body Part: Often associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra. Good for the stomach, spleen, and kidneys.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Absorbs pain and negative energy, helps to alleviate stress, clears depression.


  - Properties: Stability, grounding, and protection. There are many varieties, each with slightly different properties.

  - Body Part: Depends on the variety, but generally good for the entire physical body by grounding energies.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Improves mental function, enhances concentration, and heals inner anger or tension.


  - Properties: Protection, purification, and mourning. It's known for absorbing negative energy.

  - Body Part: Base or Root Chakra. Linked to the feet or base of the spine for grounding.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Used in mourning to help with grief, also for protection during spiritual journeying.


  - Properties: Known as the "supreme nurturer," it sustains and supports through times of stress.

  - Body Part: Often associated with the Root Chakra, but different colors align with various chakras.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Provides protection, absorbs negative energy, balances yin and yang.

Lapis Lazuli-

  - Properties: Encourages self-awareness, allows for self-expression, and reveals inner truth.

  - Body Part: Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Beneficial for the thyroid and vocal cords.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Enhances intellectual ability, memory, and stimulates wisdom.

Black Onyx-

  - Properties: Strength-giving, provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental or physical stress.

  - Body Part: Root Chakra. Relates to the skeletal system, particularly bones.

  - Metaphysical Uses: Centering and alignment with higher power, can absorb and transform negative energy.

Removing Curses: While not all stones are traditionally used for removing curses, here are a few that work.

- Black Onyx and Jet are often cited for protection against and removal of negative energies or curses. 

- Amethyst can also purify the aura of any negative energy or attachments, which could include curses in a metaphysical sense.

- Clear Quartz can be programmed to dispel or ward off negative energy or curses when used with intention.

This is just a small bit of information. A lot more goes into this. I work with 58 different stones and crystals. All MUST be real!  It’s not just about owning them but knowing where to lay them on the body. Knowing how to cleanse them. Knowing where to store them. You can even absorb the power into your hands. Again, this is energy and in this form is ancient energy combined with electricity! 

These will be made up for each individual and usually no two are the same but it can happen. 

These will be 38.00 and include the gemstones you need and a black pouch to keep them in. 

You can change your body, physically health and mental health and gain extreme supernatural power! This is a process that takes places in stages. First get yourself clear of invasive negative clinging energy, curses, health issues and blockages. This is designed just for you!

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1 Comment

Hugh Jarse
13 hours ago

Very outstanding detail focus on the properties if gemstones DeeDee

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