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A Magical and Majestic Essence #3

A Magical and Majestic Essence #3

SKU: 252232


Unfortunately, we have to put this before each of the listings. We have customers that are new and are not on our mailing list. We have customers inquiring, so we just wanted to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

If you are ordering a carnival or 38.00 we have many of them. You may or may not get what’s in the picture. If you are buying from any of our four websites from the years from 2019 and below please ask if we have the item you are looking at. We hired a donkey-jaw and he mixed stuff up. I caught one today where the lady paid almost 300 and the picture showed costume jewelry. The actual item was sterling silver. I contacted her as I will if more of these issues come up. Thank you for understanding.

Dee Dee

When it comes to spiritual significance you will be hard-pressed to find a bird that is more symbolic than the peacock. The Peacock is symbolic of many spiritual attributes. These include protection to ward off evil, good luck in all areas of your life, spiritual renewal, third-eye vision, the ability to see into other dimensions, the ability to see into another’s mind, impeccable beauty, and supernatural wealth.

We have three pieces that embody all of the metaphysical qualities that we have just described to you. They hold the spiritual essence of the peacock. This energy has been concentrated and set into the pieces that we have available.

These pieces have been tested and are very effective in each of the areas that we listed above. So, whether you want to use this piece for beauty to seduce a new lover, or you want to manifest wealth, this piece can help. Whether you want to fine-tune your psychic powers or you need protection from an evil spirit that is haunting your house, this piece is perfect!

You don’t have to do anything with the piece you choose (again, we have three) except telepathically communicate with it and tell it how it can serve you.

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