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Dimentional fairy and air fairy catcher.

Dimentional fairy and air fairy catcher.

SKU: 562402


This is a glass catcher you can wear or hang. It is large sized. It comes with a good black string you tie to the length you want. These will draw to you both dimensional fairies and air fairies. The dimensional fairies can change destiny or fix problems that were caused in the past, even those causing you problems in this life. So they also work with past lives. The air fairies help with all kinds of things in this life, problems you are having or issues you need help with. Those will also help you to gain abundance but not make you extremely wealthy, just enough so you can be stress free. They do NOT do gambling or lotto. While they might not do that the helpfulness of them is incredible and worth buying! They both will either give you their names psychically or you may name them.

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