From the Garden of Enchantment-- Blossiming Beauty
Unfortunately, we have to put this before each of the listings. We have customers that are new and are not on our mailing list. We have customers inquiring, so we just wanted to make sure that everyone is on the same page.
If you are ordering a carnival or 38.00 we have many of them. You may or may not get what’s in the picture. If you are buying from any of our four websites from the years from 2019 and below please ask if we have the item you are looking at. We hired a donkey-jaw and he mixed stuff up. I caught one today where the lady paid almost 300 and the picture showed costume jewelry. The actual item was sterling silver. I contacted her as I will if more of these issues come up. Thank you for understanding.
Dee Dee
We have two of these floral sets and they also hold powers from the Garden of Enchantment. Only these do not hold the powers of mind control. Instead, they carry the ability to appear beautiful to those around you. You will not change in physical form. Rather, it will change how those around you perceive your appearance. Instead of hiding something that you would consider a flaw, why not have somebody pine over it. For instance, this piece was tested by a girl who was self-conscious because of her body weight. She used this piece and had guys complimenting her form left and right. One of them even went as far to tell her she was, “thicker than a Snicker.” Not that charming, but better than something derogatory!