Gaining Real But Mystical Love
Gaining Real but Mystical Love
Two immortal beings live inside this piece—a three-legged phoenix alongside his significant other—and they are the direct enforcers of eternal love. It is not certain when this item was created but we are certain that it is old and possibly ancient. It is said to have been created from the heart of the sun, where the immortal beings had lived previously. The phoenix within this item was intended to be harnessed solely for his immortality but what had been created was a little less than what was intended or expected.
The phoenix had refused to leave his love behind and so they had come together, both being absorbed into the vessel that was originally intended to contain the phoenix alone. Despite having been created as a way to achieve immortality, it was instead created with the ability to influence and enforce unconditional love to whoever holds it.
This piece will do the same for you. If you do not have a significant other, this piece will lead you to them. When you wear it, this item will bring you indefinite love regardless of whether or not you have someone special in your life already and you will remain with them, body and soul, for all of eternity.
If you already have someone in mind, this is a guarantee that you will get them unless you have a past life that prevents it due to abuse.