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Goddess charging box and ring

Goddess charging box and ring

SKU: 11272305


This is superb!!!

This gorgeous charging box is made of glass with a mirror inside to allow for the bouncing of extreme charging! The charging is hit by every single end! The top has a goddess on it that also reflects in the mirror. Charging amount is 24 hours to 5,000 percent. Trust me that’s a lot. This box is much different because of its mirror and how the energy seeps and connects into your items. Also coming with it is a gorgeous sterling silver ring that’s heavy with all real gemstones. The ring itself is worth over 400.00. Inside the ring comes with four goddesses or deities you pick. To place them in the ring you write them on paper and place the paper and ring in your new charging box. The ring is waiting for whoever you put in as it’s a living piece. You can change who is in the ring at will by simply freeing them and telling them thank you for their help. This is one heck of a charging box and ring!

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