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SKU: 0078


That is what low vibration entities are often called. What are they and where do they often come from? These entities are going to shock you. You may or may not believe where they come from but who cares? They are definitely real and it doesn’t matter where they come from. Most often, about 80 percent of the time they come from dark intelligence agencies. They get placed on people to control them or mess with their brain ability. This is serious! You may be reading this thinking it can’t happen to you but are you sure? If you have an interest in the supernatural, conspiracy or what secrets the government has going on you could be a target. You could also be a target if you have a high intelligence but a psychological make up the government feels won’t fall in line. Falling in line with what they want is key. If you don’t or you can’t be used, you probably are a target. Do you get off Grid magazine? Have you ordered from loompanics or any other such catalog? Are you interested in alternative energy, time travel, mind magic or making your body bullet proof? You are most likely a target. Are you psychic, believe in miracles, exhibited extraordinary power? You too are probably a target. While you think that’s a lot of people in the population you are wrong. It’s maybe about 5 percent but you are a threat. Those threats get what is a low level attached entity. They are called parasites. These work immediately and you will feel a lift of your spirit, an increase in creativity and intelligence as well as less fog in the brain. Negative energy flees as the dark parasites are driven off to a catch pit where they can’t be sent out again. It’s time to let the sunshine back in your life! These are various pieces. Some for women and some for men. Just please specify.

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