Revelations of Gashmet
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The first actual documentation of any work being done with this entity comes from Camille Pissarro. He was a French-Danish artist who lived in what is now the US Virgin Islands. Pissarro was eccentric, to say the least, but when he began receiving visits from the entity even he was a little be freaked out by it. Of course, those around him didn't believe, but they didn't have to.
You might wonder why an embodiment of power from the pyramids would visit an artist on an island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Spirits just work that way.
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The first actual documentation of any work being done with this entity comes from Camille Pissarro. He was a French-Danish artist who lived in what is now the US Virgin Islands. Pissarro was eccentric, to say the least, but when he began receiving visits from the entity even he was a little be freaked out by it. Of course, those around him didn't believe, but they didn't have to.
You might wonder why an embodiment of power from the pyramids would visit an artist on an island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Spirits just work that way. They know who can see them and who cannot. They know who will receive them and who won't. Pissarro may have been a bit eccentric, but he was born with a gift and the spirit knew that.
Soon after he was visited by the entity it revealed its name to him. His name is Gashmet. After the initial shock of Gashmet appearing to him, Pissarro evidently embraced the entity, allowing Gashmet to take control of his body. According to what we have been told, Gashmet would appear to Camille with the head of a man, wings, and the body of a lion. Suspiciously, it appeared as a perfect hybrid of the Greek and Egyptian respective sphinxes.
According to an affidavit that we got with this piece, Pissarro would go into spells that he would call trances. This is how the secret collection was born. The secret collection was a collection of artwork that was done by Gashmet who was using Pissarro's body. Pissarro would wake up from these trances with art that he knew he didn't do of his own accord.
The paintings that he would wake up to were of a post-apocalyptic world with a new civilization centered around the existence of not just the three pyramids of Giza, but also the Sphinx. In these paintings, the Pharaohs have been raised from the dead and they encompass the knowledge of the entire universe. They have established total rule over the earth, having split it up into what is called the kingdoms, which are a sum of all the Egyptian holy numbers added together.
So what exactly is Gashmet? The answer is very simple. Gashmet was born out of the knowledge of the pyramid. In places like the pyramids, sometimes the energy is so concentrated that it comes to life. For instance, God was created out of the chaos energy of the universe to restore order and meaning.
Gashmet was created as a conglomeration of knowledge and energy that had been bouncing around the pyramids for thousands of years. As a result, Gashmet was born, so technically he is a living entity. However, he is comprised solely of energy and knowledge and can only take solid, physical form temporarily. In fact, he can take whatever form he wants. Why he appears as a sphinx is the entity's prerogative and you will have to ask him if you want to know. We were more concerned with what we could do with this piece.
The original piece was commissioned to be made by Pissarro and was different that the piece you are getting. You are getting a piece that is vintage and sterling silver. You will notice the symbol as being that of the Shriners. That is because the magic from the original piece eventually had to be hidden, so people would not know what it was.
What better piece to hide it in than this one? When looking at this piece you will see the Egyptian man in the forefront with the crescent moon shape in the background, as well as the sword. The Egyptian man represents Gashmet and the moon shape behind the head looks like wings, which is what they actually represent-- his ability to walk between the realms of antiquity and contemporary. The star is the Northstar of the Soul. It will guide you to a connection with Gashmet. This will guide you to a rare type of spiritual alchemy that connects you to the pyramids.
In the case of this ring, the pyramids are nestled under Gashmet's wings. This symbolizes his all-encompassing knowledge of the pyramids. The sword represents a cutting of the astral cord that anchors you to your flesh prison and will allow you to transcend in enlightenment.
This ring will give you many magical abilities associated with the pyramids. It has been owned by several high-profile celebrities including Karla LaVey, Marilyn Manson, Courtney Love, Bette Davis, and more. It was once used during a spirit-cooking session by Stefanie Germanotta, better known by her stage name Lady Gaga. The original piece that was made by Pissarro later found its way to Aleister Crowley. It was passed down to the succeeding members of the Golden Dawn.
Now, I'm not saying that the original piece and the powers of the piece you are getting are the sole cause for Crowley's experience with the pyramids. All I'm going to say is that it's no coincidence that he had this piece on his person when he first encountered Aiwass. Could Aiwass and Gashmet be two manifestations of the same being? That's what we think.
Throughout the years Gashmet has been known to dole out multitudes of magic to those who have asked for it, including members of the Golden Dawn and the others that I noted above. Rumor has it that it was Gashmet who spurred the coming-to-fame of international pop-star Billie Eilish. Rumor has it.
What this piece will do for you specifically is bring you the powers, energy, magic, and knowledge of the pyramids in a condensed, spiritual version. This piece is the key that will start the ignition to your spiritual evolution that will allow you to connect with Gashmet. He connected to Pissarro through his artwork and automatic painting. How he will connect you is different. This piece has become so powerful, that he will simply show himself to you in the form described above-- as hybrid Sphinx.
Gashmet will show you whatever you want to know. He will manifest anything for you. I'm not making any guarantees but we have documentation, including from our own testers, that say this piece has allowed them to raise spirits from the dead, master the Kabbalah Tree of Life, grant eternal life and wisdom, to manifest as the divine on Earth, reveal hidden codes to the universe including sacred geometry and numerology, reconstruct the DNA of God within their body, see through the cosmic eye and the all-seeing eye of God, the ability to control time, the ability to walk between dimensions, the ability bring generational wealth, and just about any other kind of magic you can think about.