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The Affair of the Poisons

The Affair of the Poisons

SKU: 3125027


The Affair of the Poisons

The Affair of the Poisons was a major scandal in France during the reign of King Louis XIV, unfolding primarily between 1677 and 1682. It was one of the most sensational criminal cases of 17th-century Europe, involving accusations of poisoning, witchcraft, and occult practices that reached into the highest levels of French society, including the royal court.

While there is a lot to this and very famous names involved I want to get to the one that matters. I say famous but many might never have heard of them. The person I want to talk about is Madame de Montespan. She was great friends with La Voisin. Both of these women were friends and practiced the more dark and often strange magik. Madame de Montespan laid naked on a body made alter for her most fantastical feat! I don’t want to say fantastic because it’s vile and evil but also a living unbreakable magic. This is the original ring from the stone to the metal that holds it together. I believe the stone is a blood agate? That I’m not sure of.

Let me get to the ritual and about a living piece. There are many things that can make something a living piece. It could be the way it was made or it could have become a permanent home for a spirit. It could be an embedded traumatic event which is what I think made this piece. There are still more ways but I’m going to stop at the last one.

La Voisin taught Magdelaine de La Grange and Madame de Montespan among others some of the most powerful rituals that last through the ages. Madame de Montespan had 7 illegitimate children with the king but she had to work it to keep up in the shadow society. Close your eyes and you’re dead! No one can be trusted, a whisper in the ear of the king or some other power holder could end your life. Magic was the way to go and no ritual would be cast aside no matter how unethical or radical it was. So this is the one who made this ritual and what it included.

Madame de Montespan was a poisoner of the mind. Her ritual went like this. A priest of the Catholic Church was needed and gotten. A newborn was needed and procured. The alter of human flesh was the Madame de Montespan herself.

The baby was held over Montespan and its through slit as the blood was over Montespan and the screaming stopped its entrails were ripped out, fingers were dug into it’s eyes and as much of the head was ripped off as possible. This ring, the exact one you are looking at was pushed into its neck and ripped out the other end. The ring was worn by Montespan unwashed for 8 days. The goal was to poison the kings mind towards her and her illegitimate children so they would live in wealth and attention. Anyone that tried to hurt Madame de Montespan or her children would die of poison like pain and not be revived. All her enemies were taken care of and many were burnt or tortured.

What does the ring hold? This is called a poisoners ring. They in that time, 1600’s France were not unusual. This one has the strongest ever aphrodisiacs, wealth, love power, mind magic, aggressive protection to prevent anything or anyone from doing bad to you. This ring is a fighter! There were so many women poisoners that were executed but Madame de Montespan wasn’t one of them and all criminal investigations into those who practiced the art was stopped! This ring has fully maintained its powers and they are in no way dull!

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